Compliance Policy

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Basic views toward compliance

The Keikyu Group Compliance Policy and Standards of Conduct for Keikyu Group Officers and Employees have been prescribed so that the Keikyu Group lives up to the trust of all of its stakeholders and fulfills the social responsibility expected as a corporate citizen, in compliance with laws, regulations, and social norms.

Keikyu Group Compliance Policy

  1. 1.Toward customers

    For the abundant living of customers, we strive to provide services and products that are safe and satisfactory.

  2. 2.Toward shareholders and investors

    To live up to the expectations of investors, we engage in business activities that aim to increase long-term and stable corporate value and strive to disclose company information in a timely and appropriate manner.

  3. 3.Toward the region, society, and environment

    To contribute to the formation of a better society, we strive to cooperate and coordinate with local communities and strive to reduce our environmental footprint in order to protect the global environment.

  4. 4.Toward business partners

    We strive to engage in fair and transparent business transactions in accordance with reasonable commercial practices for mutual prosperity.

  5. 5.Toward employees

    We strive to respect individuals and maintain and improve a good working environment so that employees can work with motivation and a peace of mind.

Standards of Conduct for Keikyu Group Officers and Employees

  1. 1.Toward customers
    1. (1)We provide services and products while also always giving top priority to the safety of customers.
    2. (2)We strive to understand the needs of customers and provide services and products that result in high levels of customer satisfaction by taking advantage of feedback from customers.
  2. 2.Toward shareholders and investors
    1. (1)We strive to disclose company information in a timely and appropriate manner so that we receive an appropriate valuation from shareholders and investors.
    2. (2)We do not trade shares using insider information learned through business that could lead to suspicions or doubts.
  3. 3.Toward the region
    1. (1)We engage in activities that contribute to the development of the region in recognition of our role as members of a corporate group rooted in the local community.
    2. (2)We strive to contribute to the local community in an aim for a society that is bright and comfortable for living.
  4. 4.Toward society
    1. (1)We eliminate relations with anti-social forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society with a resolute attitude.
    2. (2)We do not provide or accept political contributions or donations that would not be tolerated by society or entertainment or gifts that could lead to misunderstandings or mistrust from society.
  5. 5.Toward the environment
    1. (1)We strive to reduce our environmental footprint and use resources effectively as a company that protects the global environment.
    2. (2)We strive to conduct business activities that take in consideration environmental preservation and that are in harmony with the natural environment.
  6. 6.Toward business partners
    1. (1)We do not engage in unreasonable restraint of trade or conduct business through unfair methods.
    2. (2)We strive to establish fair business relations with business partners and conduct transactions that are in the best interest of both parties.
  7. 7.Toward the company
    1. (1)We strive to handle the assets (including intellectual property and the corporate brand) of the company with care and maintain and improve their value.
    2. (2)We strive to handle important information of the company and confidential information of customers and other companies with the utmost care and prevent leaks of such information.
  8. 8.Mutual relations between officers and employees
    1. (1)We strive to do our best to prevent accidents at the workplace and maintain a safe and hygienic working environment.
    2. (2)We strive to respect the character and rights of individuals and to create bright and lively workplaces without any discrimination based on nationality, gender, or religion, or bullying including sexual harassment.

Education and training on compliance

Training is conducted for all employees of the Keikyu Group by rank from new employees to management and supervising positions to deepen their understanding of compliance and to ensure that each and every employee behaves correctly. In FY2016, training was received by 700 employees. In addition, the Keikyu Group Compliance Book that summarizes what areas require care in day-to-day operations and the Keikyu Group Compliance Bulletin that covers current topics are distributed as appropriate. All employees and officers are also asked to carry the Compliance Card that is a card-sized print out of the Keikyu Group Compliance Policy and Standards of Conduct for Keikyu Group Officers and Employees with them and to always act with an awareness of the significance of compliance.

Personal information protection policy

The Keikyu Group complies with laws and regulations in response to social demand regarding the protection of personal information and has established and faithfully implements a privacy policy to clarify its stance toward the protection of personal information.

Whistleblowing system (compliance contact point)

The Keikyu Group has established internal and external compliance contact points to respond to whistleblowing reports on compliance violations that all employees can use regardless of the company they belong to or form of employment.
In addition, Whistleblowing Regulations have been established to ensure the thorough implementation of fair and appropriate management of the whistleblowing system including the protection of whistleblowers. Furthermore, to establish a system that provides early detection of information on compliance violations and prevents violations, the Group is bringing awareness to all Group employees and ensuring the effectiveness of contact points through means such as displaying the contact information for contact points on Compliance Cards.